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Get Involved!

OATS is a 100% member-driven and member-run organization and we are always looking for people who want to be involved! Volunteering for OATS isn't just for the very experienced. Whether you are newly certified or have been a member for decades, we are looking for people with a passion and for unique voices. Volunteering is incredibly rewarding and probably takes less time than you think! 


The most common misconceptions we hear are:

  1. I don't have enough experience to serve on a committee. 

  2. I'm not an expert in the subject matter so I probably don't qualify.

  3. It probably takes a big time commitment that I'm not able to make right now.


Here are a few reasons that we think you SHOULD get involved:

  1. It is a great opportunity to network with other AT’s in the state (and nationally).

  2. Stay up with legislation and other changes in the profession.

  3. Stay up to date with NATA, NWATA, and OATS news. 

  4. Make your voice heard and impact change within the profession. 

  5. Build a better profession for our bright future.


If you are interested in serving your profession, please fill out the form below. If you want to get involved but you're not sure how, just reach out and our Executive Board can help to guide you! Together, we can continue to impact athletic training in Oregon.

Get Involved with OATS!

Areas of Interest

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