Secondary Schools

Committee Chair
Marlee Hansen

Purpose Statement: The purpose of the Secondary Schools Committee is to support, encourage, and help secondary school athletic trainers grow and thrive in their professions. We do this by actively and consistently meeting to discuss topics both important and beneficial to secondary school athletic trainers. We hope to assist, problem solve and ultimately enhance our job setting for the benefit of the athletic trainer.
If you would like to join the committee please do so using the Get Involved button on the OATS home page. If you have a topic of discussion or concern please email the committee chair at
Our Goals for this year include:
Encourage ATLAS survey participation. Kory Stringer Institute in conjunction with the NATA have implemented the Athletic Training Locations and Services (ATLAS) survey to better track and make it easier to see which schools in our state have an Athletic Trainer and how to contact them. Encouraging Secondary School AT’s to complete the survey helps increase visibility of our profession and ease of communication between AT’s in our profession.
Encourage Secondary School AT’s to apply for the Safe Sport Award. The requirements for application should be considered best practices for our setting and all secondary schools should strive to reach these standards.
Provide Secondary School Athletic Trainers with Continuing Education opportunities specific to our setting. Secondary School Athletic Trainers have their own unique set of challenges and therefore setting specific knowledge should be grown and enhanced. This is not always addressed in state or district CEU opportunities such as the district meetings.
Encourage more support and camaraderie within our Secondary School Athletic Training community. Most of us work alone at our schools and therefore don’t always have the support or interaction with other Athletic Trainers that some other settings yield. We want to make sure all Secondary School AT’s have the ability to reach out to one another and create a community of support, collaboration and hopefully a little bit of fun!